Leila was in year 11 when she started working with us, her current Grade was a 4 but she needed a Grade 6 to get in to her chosen sixth form. Her problem was a complete lack of confidence when it came to exams, she described how she 'freezes' and forgets things that she would normally know. After discussing with the tutor, they decided to take a 6 week 'exam prep' approach to her tuition sessions. In lesson 1, the tutor gave Leila a practise exam to do (20 minutes doing the test, 10 minutes marking it, and repeat until Leila had tried all the questions she could). The tutor then explained the marking in depth, familiarising Leila with the mark scheme so she understood what examiners are looking for, she learned what skills she gained marks for, and what skills she lost marks in. This helped her to close the gaps in her knowledge. For the questions she didn't try at all, the tutor created a list and taught Leila those topics over the next 5 lessons. In the 7th lesson, they repeated the process with another practise exam, and saw that Leila's mark and grade improve compared to the first practise exam. Repeating this 6 week 'exam prep' cycle will not only teach Leila a vast amount of math content, it will also teach her how to answer exam questions and it will expose her to so much exam practise that when it comes to doing one in school - she will be more confident and at ease with the examination process - and no longer 'clam up' with anxiety.